Tuesday, November 30, 2010


If you do not know what is manga, it's actually means "comic" in Japan. And yes, I will be writing about manga today. :>>

I am so so So in love with manga. Have been reading them since young that i can't even remember when it is. However, i can still remember the first ever manga will be "Lao Fu Zhi" (Old Master Qi).

"Lao Fu Zhi" was the no. 1 thing that i would get when i visits the so-called Magazine Booth in the past. If you are my age, you will know that in the past, there were always a old granny/grandpa selling magazine and stuff by the road with just a table and a huge umbrella. Presently, you can still see them around but much lesser.

So enough about "Lao Fu Zhi".  At the age of 12 is the time that i started reading and collecting manga! Slam Dunk, Dragonball and Young Guns are the first few manga that I collected. Slam Dunk was mainly collected by my sister (nicely wrap) but later given to me. Dragonball was found being thrown away and Young Guns was the first ever manga I bought!

Now, i have hundreds of manga. I am so obsessed with manga that i can purchase the amount of manga that worth $100 at one go... Those days were crazy~ However, it have been quite some time that i bought manga. I started to read manga online since 17.  Though reading manga through the book is still the best, reading manga online is too convenient!

Lastly, i would like to take this chance and thanks those manga that i read for giving so much great times and helping me to improve my Chinese too. Thanks!

Comment below about which manga you like the best~

1 comment:

  1. I rmb that's my first comic too! Miss those time...
